Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Visit Morgan Hill?

  • What hotels are in Morgan Hill?

  • How can I work with VMH?

  • How do I sign up for the newsletter?

  • How do I post my event?

  • How do I get on VMH’s website or social media?

  • Does VMH have marketing materials I can use?

  • Where can I find the sports facility calendar?

  • How do I ask a question?

What is Visit Morgan Hill?

Visit Morgan Hill (VMH) is a non-profit marketing organization dedicated to promoting Morgan Hill as an overnight visitor destination for the benefit of increased stays in local hotels. Overnight visitors provide spend more at local businesses like restaurants, retail, and wineries providing economic benefit to the city.

Visit Morgan Hill is funded by the Morgan Hill Tourism Business Improvement District (MHTBID). This is an assessement district designed to provide special benefit to lodging businesses. Learn more about Visit Morgan Hill here.

Our website is the most comprehensive resource available to Morgan Hill visitors.


What Hotels Are In Morgan Hill?

Check out our Places to Stay page for a list of Morgan Hill hotels, contact information, and booking links. Click the image below.


How CAN i work with VMH?

Visit Morgan Hill seeks creative ways to promote the wonderful things that attract overnight visitors to Morgan Hill. It is a team effort to showcase the best attractions that are authentic to Morgan Hill! Read on below to see some of the ways we partner with local, visitor-serving businesses and organizations.

Subscribe to our Tourism Industry Community Newsletter to stay in the loop with the latest news, business opportunities, data, and meetings.


How do I post my event on Visit Morgan Hill’s calendar?

Visit Morgan Hill maintains an Event Calendar of local public events happening in Morgan Hill. Local businesses may submit relevant, visitor-friendly events for publishing on our calendar by clicking the green button below. You will be directed to a fillable form to provide the required information needed for publishing and how to submit required images.

Tip: Submitting your events at least 2-4 weeks in advance and providing high-quality photography increases the likelihood of being featured on Visit Morgan Hill’s social media channels.

Visit Morgan Hill does not directly coordinate local events, we simply compile them on our calendar. Check our Vendors page for contact information for the major annual event organizers.

Please submit your visitor-friendly, public event by clicking the button below:


How do I get featured on Visit Morgan Hill’s WEBSITE or social media?

Visit Morgan Hill publishes business listings and blog stories on its website and photo and video content on social media. All our efforts are designed to inspire visitors from outside of the area to stay overnight. Explore the ways we can engage with local partners below!

  • Request a website listing. We list tourism-supporting business such as restaurants, wineries, retail businesses, farms, parks, event venues, and studios on our website, free of charge. Email us.

  • Share your news and updates. Understanding what is special about your offerings is important as we seek new and engaging visitor experiences for our content publishing. We write unique blog stories and share press-worthy stories through public relations and media pitching, which just might get your business featured! Email us.

  • Submit high-quality photo and video. Original photography and video are essential to tourism marketing. Sharing these assets with Visit Morgan Hill allows us to better promote the town, on both our website and social media channels. Creating a shared photo and video folder that Visit Morgan Hill may use increases the chance of being featured on our social media channels. In some cases, inviting Visit Morgan Hill out for a special content creation visit is applicable. Setting up a mini-photo shoot for us is a great option. Email us or Upload Photos.

  • Follow the OFFICIAL Visit Morgan Hill accounts. Watch out for the fakes that use our name but are not associated with a legitimate organization. Our official accounts are @visitmorganhillca with the following avatar.

  • Tag us in your posts that represent an experience that would be intriguing to an overnight visitor to our city. Use the hashtags #visitmorganhillca and #visitmorganhill. Please note, actual photography and video are more likely to be reposted than flyers. Also, make sure you tag our actual account, otherwise we will not see your engagement!


Does Visit morgan hill have marketing materials i can use?

Yes. Please see our Marketing Materials, including flyers and brochures available to local Morgan Hill businesses to share with customers asking about places to stay or what there is to do in town.


How can I find out about SPorts events at the outdoor sports center?

We have a Sports Facility Calendar showing the major private sporting events the MHOSC and Aquatic Center. This is a service provided to local business partners so that they may anticipate large volumes of visitors for tournaments and meets.


I don’t see my question answered here. How do i ask a question?

Check out the Contact Us page. We have information tailored to many needs and a submit question form so you can get in touch with VMH staff.


Does visit morgan hill work with other organizations?

Yes, we work strategically with our local community partners to support tourism business and events in Morgan Hill. For example, we partner directly with the Buy Local Morgan Hill effort on promotions year-round and local event organizers for major public event promotion. We engage routinely with the local Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Association, Wineries Association, and City of Morgan Hill Economic Development team. We also engage with regional destination representatives such as Visit Gilroy and Visit California for industry news, research, trends, and marketing opportunities.
